May 30th 2014 archive

The Mockingjay Sings

Here in District Three, some of us have been watching the games anxiously; praying for a loved one. Others, like me, have been watching and anticipating all the awesome deaths and challenges that the game-makers throw into it. I love watching the games every year. This year, I am rooting for a tribute that I bet on from the start; Blake Cooper. I think he is from District Seven or something like that, even though his appearance would make you think he would be from a career district. When we were given the opportunity of sending a silver parachute to any of the tributes, I just had to send one to him. I didn’t know what I should send him, so I decided to turn on the TV and observe.

He is running through the jungle when I turn on the TV, trying to escape something. I realize that another tribute is chasing him with a shimmering golden sword. He grasps onto a tree to the right of him and covers his body behind the rough trunk like a shield. The other tribute is still running towards him with the sword, but is a few yards away. Blake Cooper quickly takes out his arrow and shoots the tribute down just before he could have the chance to attack him. He is making his way over to retrieve his arrow when he trips over a tree root bulging out of the ground. He falls to receive a terrible wound on his shin and knee; that’s it! I will send him some of the healing salve my mother makes for me and my siblings. It goes onto the wound smoothly, like butter, and doesn’t sting at all when you apply it to a wound. It will numb the area of your wound, controlling it and masking the pain. It sends a refreshing cooling sensation through your body which revives you almost instantly. Blake will surely be unstoppable with the help of this salve.

I gather about a cup of the healing salve and put it in a small silver jar. Then, I attach a note to it that reads, “Invincibility, strength, and power; apply directly to open wound and feel the magic happen.” I can’t wait to see Blake open this amazing package in the games. He will become even more of a killing machine and destroy all of the tributes; all thanks to me.